The skin is the most superficial part of the body. The signs of ageing are most visible in the skin. Although, ageing skin is not a threat to a person, it can have a detrimental effect on the psychology of a person. A look into the causes of skin ageing, the available treatments and preventive measures for this inevitable change is important to help both the already aged, as well as, the youth.
This is a 4 part article in which:
- Part 1 – Discusses the structure of skin and its different components
- Part 2 – Discusses cutaneous ageing and its causes
- Part 3 – Discusses the characteristics of ageing skin and the changes in skin appearance
- Part 4 – Discusses products and treatments for skin ageing
a) Sunscreen Agents
b) Moisturizers
c) Antioxidants
d) Make Up (current article)
e) Dermal Fillers
f) Chemical Peels
g) Botulinum Toxin
h) Estrogen and Hormonal Treatments
i) Plastic Surgery
Make Up1,2,3
Cosmetic are the best product to hide the signs of ageing but not to prevent the signs of ageing. The most commonly used make up products to hide the signs are:
- Lip liners – lips, mainly the inferior, show alterations due to sun exposure, dryness, scaling, loss of the limits between semimucosa and skin, and atrophy are characteristics of photoaging. Thus, a careful use of a lip liner can avoid the vertical bleeding of lipstick onto the wrinkles of the borders of the lips. It can also enlarge the appearance of thin, atrophic lips and correct the lip line if there is an irregularity due to the removal of a skin cancer or other type of lesion along the vermilion border. Hence, use of specific products for photoprotection of the lips is essential.
- Lip balms – they are essential as they help in preventing the lips from drying
- Eye liners and mascara – they can help enhance the beauty of the eyes. If the upper lid has sagged too much, a thin line of color applied just above the lash line may be the best way to hide the signs. Use of mascara incase where the upper lids hang heavily can help lift the lashes up and around the sagging lids may be helpful
- Face powders and Foundation make up – are used to hide the visible defects
Adverse Reactions to Cosmetics
The stratum corneum of the elderly is less capable to act as a barrier; thus, it is frequent to see allergic and irritant reactions to cosmetics. They are caused by endogenous and environmental factors and, besides an irritative dermatitis, cosmetics can produce allergic reactions also in elderly patients. They may be acute reaction, irritant dermatitis, mechanical irritation, acneiform eruption, phototoxic reaction, subjective irritation, such as burning, stinging, or itching, contact urticaria syndrome, and delayed hypersensitivity reactions.
- Elderly skin and its rejuvenation: products and procedures for the aging skin, Marcia Ramos‐e‐Silva et. al., Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 6, 40–50
- Harrys cosmeticology, J. D. Wilkinson and R. J. Moore, Longman Singapore Publishers ltd. Pg 222 ‐ 258(sunscreens and suntan oils)
- Cosmetics Formulation Manufacturing and Quality Control, P. P. Sharma, Vandana Publications pvt. Ltd. Pg 195 – 198, 183 – 185.